2ND Place Trim
For some competitors, first place is the only acceptable finish, but second place is no small achievement, and those who finish second deserve to have the accomplishment recognized. That’s why Trophy Outlet offers this beautiful 2nd Place Trim. With its gilded, mirror-like finish, the trim clearly draws attention to the recipient’s accomplishment and makes its trophy stand out in almost any type of setting.
High Quality, Low Price
If you want second place finishers to feel like winners, our 2nd Place Trim provides a great solution. Featuring high-quality designs that are priced with your operating budget in mind, our trim makes for spectacular awards that don’t cost a fortune. If you need to give out several second place trophies, order what you need in bulk to save even more.
Place Your Order Today
Ordering our gorgeous 2nd Place Trim is easy. You can order it right here, or just choose the trophies you need (available in our store) and order the trim using the trim option field. Ordering your trophies and trim together can save time and ensure that both are shipped in the same box. Order today and get the products you need to honor second place finishers in your competitions!